Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Digital Storytelling

A good story is one that is entertaining and interesting. Whether it is funny, sad, informative, or all three, on an interesting topic. A good story begins by hooking the listener, grabbing their attention and making them interested. Along with grabbing the listener, a good story must also maintain that level of attention within the listener through the entire duration. With digital storytelling, I feel it would be beneficial and almost crucial to use a variety of multimedia to hold the listener’s attention. Recorded audio and text could be great for emphasizing important points, while videos and images would be captivating and entertaining.
Some ideas from my PDS experiences that I may consider using for my digital story include the value of routine in a kindergarten classroom, the use of movement and physical activity integrated into the curriculum, and the benefits of child storytelling during circle time.  Every day the students are engaged in a similar routine. While they do have certain choices and variation within the routine, it still follows the same schedule. I find the value of this routine on the students’ sense of safety and independence to be interesting. I also find the incorporation of physical activity and movement, such as the sing-along songs, to be interesting. Not only do the students get a chance to expel some of their pent up energy, but through the song/dance they are enhancing specific skills, such as sounds of the alphabet. I believe the physical movement positively impacts the students’ attention span and focus, and it’s also satisfying to watch them enjoy themselves while they sing and dance. The benefits of child storytelling could be the most interesting/entertaining to turn into a digital story, as I could video some of the different stories and as most of us know; children really do say the “darndest things.”
In my PDS each week, I continue to observe the students, the teacher, and their interactions. I also continue to reflect on these observations and brainstorm on possible wonderings and topics for the digital story. As I continue to make observations and receive more information on the digital story assignment I believe it will be easier to narrow down my topics and pick an interesting, entertaining, and informative story to be told digitally.