As well as becoming a great resource to reflect on my practice, the blog has allowed for greater communication between my partner and my seminar facilitator. Posting my wonderings and observations in classrooms, allowed my seminar facilitator an opportunity to help provide me with ideas as to which wondering to focus more on, as well as providing me with the idea to use the blog as part of my inquiry project; to help keep track and gather more data from observations and reflections. I receive a lot of great feedback and value the communication I have with my partner. Deirdre has provided me with input about some of my wonderings. She was able to provide me with input regarding the level of teacher enthusiasm and student engagement that she has observed in her own placement in regards to what I had observed in my particular placement. While, I do believe I have invited my coordinator and mentor teacher, I have not received any feedback or input on my blog from them. Due to this, I will be checking to make sure they are invited/know they have been invited and how to access my blog as their feedback would be very beneficial as well.
As I continue to reflect on the possibilities of this blog, some topics that come to mind that would be beneficial for us as participants to write about include: lesson plans and reflection, and the funny/unexpected moments in the classroom. I feel by sharing lessons and activities implemented by us in the classroom and a reflection on how they went could be beneficial as we can gain a large variety of ideas from others as to possible lessons and revisions we could make to our own. I also think sharing the funny moments with others, could allow us to relieve stress and always be reminded of why we entered the profession, as we can become overwhelmed and lose track because of school work and stress.
Deidre my question to you:
- Have there been any particular postings/comments made by me that you have found to be more beneficial … or how can my blog help you more?