Thursday, April 26, 2012

Inquiry Celebration

I found the inquiry celebration to be more enjoyable and less overwhelming this year. I am unsure if these feelings stemmed from my experience at the celebration last year or because I am more confident in myself and my standing/understanding in the program. Regardless, I found that all presentations I sat in on at the celebration made this complex idea of action research look easy. Coincidentally enough, all of the presentations I watched were on using math strategies to enhance number sense or mathematical understanding. As I watched these presentations, I began to dissect the process each teacher researcher was involved in. A brief overview: First, literature. Second, planning. Third, implementation and data collection. Fourth, data analysis. Fifth, conclusion. I found the interns from my school, Sarah and Nicole, were able to collaborate on their action research as they were both in kindergarten classrooms. I found their presentation to be one the best I have seen, as they made it look especially easy and effortless. They implemented four different strategies in order to help teach number sense. They did a pre-test, a weekly activities, and a post test for each strategy as part of their data collection. Watching their presentation, I was able to get a better understanding and good ideas to use for data collection and sharing.

Looking ahead to next year I am in a Pre-K setting. This is both exciting and overwhelming to me. Exciting because it is my specialization and I love the little ones. Overwhelming because I have NO idea where to even start thinking of an action research topic. I feel I am more limited because there is no formal or direct instruction allowed, by law, in a Pre-K setting. They learn through play and socialization. I need to continue to do more research, but I am thinking I may try different strategies/activities that could be set out at the free play choice areas to see how they enhance either number or letter recognition.

It is crazy to think that in a years time, that will be up there in front of peers presenting my own action research at the Inquiry Celebration!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Final Practicum Plan Reflection

My learning goals for this semester included:
1. multiple video taping of lessons and analysis
2. continued use of SmartBoard
3. Continued practice of detailed lessons
4. Continued practice of differentiation

Like I mentioned in the previous practicum plan reflection, the strongest goal for this semester was using the SmartBoard. I implemented the SmartBoard during every single lesson, have found new exciting ways to use it (templates, pre-loaded games, etc.) and was successful in using the SmartBoard during my two week teaching period. In fact, one of the stations I implemented during my teaching time was a SmartBoard station where one day the students were able to play a comprehension game on their reading story using the SmartBoard. I found that using the SmartBoard is benefical but cThis an be even more beneficial and exciting if you give the students the chance to use it themselves.

Since my last reflection, I have been able to video tape multiple lessons. I was even able to create a short clip of multiple videos (two days of full time teaching) that I am very proud of. This video reflects my educational philosophy: having an interactive and collaborative classroom. The video is a combination of two days of teaching. I even took this a step farther and had the students video tape their own assignment, which not only allowed them to use technology but also was motivating, exciting, and gave me some qualitative data on my inquiry of questioning, as their video was them answering their reading comprehension question by taking on different roles in the story. Visit this link to view the video compilation of my teaching!

Visit this link to view the video the students made during my 2-week teaching!

During my two week period of teaching I feel I also made gains differentiating lessons. I was able to group the students heterogeneously which allowed extra support for the lower level students when paired with a higher student during the stations. When teaching my learning cycle, I also developed modified assessments for those students who needed it. I believe both of these modifications were successful.

Overall the practicum plan was very beneficial this semester. Especially toward the end of the semester, the practicum plan helped me to priotize and ensure all assignments were completed on time. When looking ahead for next year I will be in a pre-k classroom. For my goals, I definitely want to keep video taping even more lessons. I am unsure of what I want my other goals to be at this time. When I meet with my host teacher from this semester to do my evaluation I will be asking for suggestions of area of improvement and I will also be asking my pre-k host teacher for ideas to include as well.