Thursday, April 26, 2012

Inquiry Celebration

I found the inquiry celebration to be more enjoyable and less overwhelming this year. I am unsure if these feelings stemmed from my experience at the celebration last year or because I am more confident in myself and my standing/understanding in the program. Regardless, I found that all presentations I sat in on at the celebration made this complex idea of action research look easy. Coincidentally enough, all of the presentations I watched were on using math strategies to enhance number sense or mathematical understanding. As I watched these presentations, I began to dissect the process each teacher researcher was involved in. A brief overview: First, literature. Second, planning. Third, implementation and data collection. Fourth, data analysis. Fifth, conclusion. I found the interns from my school, Sarah and Nicole, were able to collaborate on their action research as they were both in kindergarten classrooms. I found their presentation to be one the best I have seen, as they made it look especially easy and effortless. They implemented four different strategies in order to help teach number sense. They did a pre-test, a weekly activities, and a post test for each strategy as part of their data collection. Watching their presentation, I was able to get a better understanding and good ideas to use for data collection and sharing.

Looking ahead to next year I am in a Pre-K setting. This is both exciting and overwhelming to me. Exciting because it is my specialization and I love the little ones. Overwhelming because I have NO idea where to even start thinking of an action research topic. I feel I am more limited because there is no formal or direct instruction allowed, by law, in a Pre-K setting. They learn through play and socialization. I need to continue to do more research, but I am thinking I may try different strategies/activities that could be set out at the free play choice areas to see how they enhance either number or letter recognition.

It is crazy to think that in a years time, that will be up there in front of peers presenting my own action research at the Inquiry Celebration!

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