Tuesday, March 13, 2012


"We believe the novice teacher should be an effective communicator. "

To me, Characteristic2, means a teacher is an effective communicator amongst students, colleagues, parents and the community. Communication takes on the role of a variety of forms. A teacher needs to be aware of and be effective communicating across various outlets, body language, technology, conversations, instruction, and discussion. It is imperative the teacher is an effective communicator with all entities involved in the school to make the school run as effectively and successfully as possible.

For this characteristic, I could use a couple different artifacts. First, my inquiry this semester is focused on questioning techniques. Depending on the outcome of my inquiry, I may be able to use my final paper that shows the effects questioning techniques can have on students understanding and engagements. I could also use the parent communication project for Educ 401. I developed this website, for a pre-k classroom, and I plan on using it next semester during my student teaching. This website may be the best artifact to use for this characteristic as it shows my communication to parents through the use of technology. You can visit the website by clicking here.

"We believe the novice teacher should have in-depth knowledge of content. "

To me, Characteristic 6, means demonstrating an in-depth knowledge of content through the institutional strategies, classroom management, lesson plans, and conversations. Having an in-depth knowledge is critical  in the planning and delivery of the content material to the students, in order to allow them to grown and learn in the most effective manner.

For this characteristic there are a few artifacts that I could use to illustrate my knowledge of content. I have a literacy unit, art unit, and science learning cycle that would demonstrate my understanding of content and scope and sequence. I also have some pre-k lessons that I developed my tutor year that may also be appropriate to use because pre-k is my specialization. My plan and my goal is for this characteristic to use a unit that I will be developing my intern year. Next year, I am in a pre-k class, so using an unit that shows scope and sequence, and my knowledge of content and pre-k strategies and design may be the most meaningful and most effective to use to illustrate this characteristic.

1 comment:

  1. For characteristic number 2 your website is a great representation for this and the site is so adorable great job! Thank you for adding your site link into the blog as well. It is so important to reassure our student's parents that we DO in fact care about their children and their success. Having communication with them about what is going on in your classroom really proves how professionally you take you job on every level. For characteristic number 6 it seems a little overwhelming at first in thinking what could we narrow down to put in our portfolio show casing our knowledge of content, but you have thought of some great artifacts to add in.


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