Monday, March 12, 2012

Practicum Plan Reflection

My learning goals for this semester included:
1. multiple video taping of lessons and analysis
2. continued use of SmartBoard
3. Continued practice of detailed lessons
4. Continued practice of differentiation

So far, I feel I have hit most strongly on using the SmartBoard and creating detailed lessons. I have found myself using the SmartBoard on almost a daily basis and I have had more time and opportunity to sit down and play with the SmartBoard to discover everything it can do! I want to continue this usage and really incorporate more of its interactive features during my 2-week teaching period. I have also been creating detailed lessons. This is another aspect that I will continue to work on throughout the reminder of the time.

I have not video-taped multiple lessons for analysis yet. I was originally planning to video tape all lessons, but I  now realize realistically for my purposes, video taping during the 2 week period from my own lesson plans will be the most beneficial. During this 2 week period, my goal is to obtain videos that are reflective of my educational philoshopy and videos that will provide me data towards inquiry of how questioning levels can affect understanding and engagement.

I also have not been as successful differentiating lessons as I was last semester. I think the road block for this, is because most of the lessons I've been teaching have been whole group oral discussions. I am hoping that during my two week period, I can modify and adjust the lessons to be more easily differentiated, as there are a few students, both lower and higher,  who would greatly benefit from differentiation.

As I look over my calendar of the practicum plan, I am pleased to see I am up-to-date and have been able to complete all assignments on task and I am staying ahead by planning in advance and working on projects as time allows. I believe my pre-planning has really helped me to stay organized and to be successful this semester!

I am looking forward to my two-week teaching time from my own plans and I am working to develop these lesson plans in a manner that will allow me to accomplish all of my learning goals!

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